Sunday, September 26, 2010

English Beat concert after the horse races, What??

So after the races me and Jeremy leave the gates of the race track to maybe go to a movie or go do something. As we are leaving there are banners saying there is a concert but we didn't know who was playing. We leave through the gate and there is a sign that says once you leave you can't get back in. I was curious to know who was performing so as Jeremy was walking ahead of me I stopped real quick to ask this lady guard she tells me English Beat, now I heard of the band but I didn't know what songs they sang so I asked Jeremy if he knew English Beat that they were the ones performing and he stopped dead in his tracks. He was like "No Way" I'm like "Way" This is one of his top ten favorite bands and even brought their CD with him on this trip. So we go back to the gate and very sweetly ask the guard if we can go back in and she does give us the Ok. As soon as I heard them I knew their songs. Fun Concert

1 comment:

Freddy and Mandy said...

I've seen them in concert! They're awesome live and totally sound the same! Jealous you got to see them!