Sunday, July 12, 2009

Cameron E-mail's from At Augustine FL.

Hey ma and pa! Its really great to hear from you.

Well, I sent you a letter from my new location a few days ago, you might not have received it, but it has my address in it, but I will tell you the new address anyways. Its:

1515 A1A S. #82
St. Augustine, Fl 32080

This city is the oldest city in the U.S., so there is a bunch of history here. In the 1500's the city was attacked by Pirates a lot, so the city theme is pirates. The computer i'm on to email you is in a Pirate souvenir shop that a member owns. And guess what! No time limit!, well, at least for the next 6 weeks, if I get transferred again.

Ha ha, yes, I did share my treats you gave me, they were so good. Yumm!! My clothes are holding up quite well. HEY!!!!! In one of the pockets in my brown suit is a paper that has some words on it like Aaron Boaz and stuff. Keep that. This is a missionary in the MTC that I ran into with the last name of Boaz, so I asked him if he knew an Aaron Boaz, and he said that he is his brother. He is going to Chile I think. We were talking about family and stuff, so I know that we are related. Sorry, I got so caught up in stuff that I forgot to tell you.


On P-Days we get to do some sight seeing and stuff, pretty much whatever comes to mind. This morning Elder Thacker and I went to the Beach and made some sand castles, that was pretty fun! One thing though, is that its not like the beach in California, it is Hot Hot Hot with a bunch of Humidity. Its weird because it won't even feel hot outside, but your still sweating like your in a sauna, because of the Humidity. We are the only companionship in our apartment, its just a small two man apartment.

The Apartment isn't too bad, the washer doesn't work, so we have to go the the Sisters to wash our clothes, all of the dishes are hand washed and dried, nothing to special :)

This week has been really hard, It has been high 80's with 95% Humidity, that's like 105 Degrees people say. Super hot. One thing though, is that usually it rained every 2-3 days, but it has only rained once for the past week and a half. All except one of my ties I have are silk, so I can't get them wet, I would love if you could please send some non silk ties or some ties that can get wet, because it still rains a lot, and we contact people in the rain. If you could please do that, that would be awesome!

The Sisters in our district just had a baptism on Saturday, that was pretty cool, the person that baptized him has never baptized anyone before, just barely got the Melchizedek Priesthood, and has only been a member for 2 months! It took about 12 tries before he went all the way under the water. It was exciting.


This week has been pretty hot again. We have a Baptism scheduled this Saturday for two people. We are really thinking that they will get Baptized on this date, they are ready. There names are Margret and Gina.

Gina is a 14 year old Daughter to Margret. They were both Catholic, but just don't feel like its the church for them. Gina already knows that this Church is true, but Margret I think is still holding on to her previous relations with Catholicism. Then she said she looked into Islam!! Where did that come from?? That's what Elder Thacker and I were thinking. I mean, Catholics at least have the Jesus Christ is our savior down, but Islam is WAY off! So we had a good talk with her yesterday, she kept talking about how she still likes some things in the Catholic church, but doesn't believe in everything, and the same with Islam, so we invited President Newman to teach her, because he is a convert from a Catholic Church, so he just told her "Margret, let go of everything you are holding on to about those past religions, because Catholics, are wrong, and Islam, Has no idea on what they are doing, ok." The spirit was so strong in her house. It was so sweet.

FOOT NOTE: Margaret and Gina were Baptized 7/10/09 and Cameron was asked by Margaret to do the confirmation it took place at sacrament meeting 7/12/09. This was his first time to do a confirmation he said he was nervous but the spirit was strong with him.

1 comment:

The Peacock family said...

WOW!!! Looks and sounds like he is having a great time. What wonderful experiences he has to share. I can't believe how long he has already been serving. Awesome!!!